
E-mailinfo@uniquelygalapagos.com - Telephone: +593 096 894 0773

Sustainable Tourism

Sustainable Tourism

United Nations World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO)

According to UNWTO sustainable tourism must:

  • Conserve environmental resources & protect biodiversity
  • Respect & preserve the cultures of host communities whilst benefiting them
  • Address the needs of the visitors & industry whilst providing socio-economic benefit to all

UNWTO's 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG's)

Uniquely Galapagos's commitment to Sustainable Tourism and SDG 17 - Partnerships for the Goals'

  • We will positively impact the community we live in by developing sustainable local and cultural experiences such as visits to sustainable farms and promoting art and crafts workshops to stimulate economic growth and the circular economy.
  • We will also promote conservation and animal welfare with our community social responsibility partners such as Pan Animalia Galapagos Foundation, a local NGO which our owner Brett Peters is a Board Director of.
  • We will focus on wellness travel to provide experiences to enhance the mental and physical wellbeing of our clients.

As a sustainable tour operator we are:

  • Encouraging our guests to pack lightly to reduce their carbon footprint 
  • Issuing our documentation electronically to avoid uneccessary printing
  • Providing awareness on conservation and animal welfare issues affecting the islands to our guests
  • Conserving water and energy on business premises and tours
  • Recycling and treating waste material
  • Using reusable water bottles and cloth shopping bags and avoid plastic and takeaway containers
  • Buying local produce to support the community
  • Working with community tourism providers to develop and improve their offering to international quality standards, enhancing their earning potential and therefore benefiting the circular economy
  • Partnering with quality local restaurants like the Galapagos Deli which operate leanly towards a zero waste model
  • Promoting e-bikes as an accesible and healthier way of experiencing the islands instead of tour buses and taxis
  • Providing guests with lower environmental impact experiences based only on Santa Cruz Island with sustainable, community based activities like eco farm to table cooking

Please follow our Community Action Latest News for further information on how we are being a sustainable and socially responsible tour operator.



Address: Tomás de Berlanga 221 y Avenida Baltra
Puerto Ayora - Ecuador
Telephone: +593 96 894 0773
WhatsApp: ‬+44 773 984 0879
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Web: www.uniquelygalapagos.com