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Galapagos Islands Land-Based vs Cruises: Choosing an ‘Experience as Unique as You’

Galapagos Islands Land-Based vs Cruises: Choosing an ‘Experience as Unique as You’

By Brett Peters, Owner Uniquely Galapagos CIA Ltda. Puerto Ayora, Galapagos



Since 2010, the strategy of Ecuador’s Ministry of Tourism has been to promote mass tourism to the Galapagos, a UNESCO World Heritage site since 1978. Visitor numbers have doubled from 162,000 in 2009 to a record 330,000 in 2023. Many of these visitors have taken advantage of an abundance of cheap, low quality tours, hostels and $5 meals.

To stem over tourism, encourage sustainable tourism and contribute better to conservation, the Galapagos National Park fee will increase for the first time in 25 years. From 1 August 2024 every foreign visitor aged 13 years old and over will pay $200 to enter the islands.

Planning your Galapagos Experience

Whether you're dreaming of exploring the Galapagos by ‘immersing yourself in nature’ on our diverse landscapes, encountering unique wildlife, or snorkelling in our crystal-clear waters, the Galapagos offers a unique, once in a lifetime experience.

When planning your trip to the Galapagos, one of the key decisions you'll need to make is whether to opt for a Galapagos Land-Based Island Hopping or a Cruise experience.

Both options have their own advantages and appeal to different types of travellers. So, let’s compare them to help you decide which option is the best fit for your Galapagos adventure.

Land-Based Island Hopping

Galapagos Land-Based Island Hopping is an experience where you will stay at a hotel on each of our three main islands Santa Cruz, Isabela and San Cristobal, taking guided land and boat tours on each and traveling between the three either by an interisland flight or ferry. Here are some key advantages:

  1. Flexibility: With Island Hopping, you have more control over your itinerary and can tailor your activities to suit your preferences including rest days and time for self- exploration.
  2. Cultural Immersion: Staying on one of the inhabited islands allows you to interact with and learn about our local community and include local experiences such as ‘eco farm to table cooking’ or a surf lesson in your itinerary.
  3. Slower Travel: Island Hopping typically offer more time for activities like visiting a Giant Tortoise Reserve and exploring the islands at your own pace.
  4. Private Experience: Island Hopping is more of a unique, private experience for your family or friends group as you plan the itinerary.
  5. Accommodation and Culinary Options: Island Hopping offers a range of accommodation options, from budget-friendly guesthouses to four and five star luxury eco-lodges. Each inhabited island also has fabulous dining options from local Ecuadorian to International cuisine to Street food.

Galapagos Islands Cruises

Galapagos Islands Cruise Experiences offer a unique way to explore the archipelago's many uninhabited islands and islets and their diverse landscapes. Cruises allow you to visit multiple islands and islets during your experience, giving you the opportunity to see a wide variety of landscapes and wildlife not accessible on land tours.

There are four levels of Galapagos Islands cruises: Tourist, Tourist Superior, First Class and Luxury, with itineraries to the Western Islands, Northern Islands and Central/Southern/ Eastern Islands. Cruises may range from four to 11 days.

Most cruise yachts and catamarans are for 16 passengers plus 8 crew including the bi-lingual naturalist guide. A few, larger boats have capacity for up to 100 passengers.

So, what are some key advantages to choosing a cruise?

  1. All-inclusive experience: All cruises in the Galapagos are all-inclusive, covering accommodation, meals, guided excursions, and transportation between islands.
  2. Guided tours: On a cruise, you'll have some of the best bi-lingual naturalist guides leading excursions and providing valuable insights into the islands' ecology and wildlife.
  3. Structured Itinerary: Cruises have a set itinerary as agreed in advance with the Galapagos National Park with at least one activity in the morning and one in the afternoon such as hiking, snorkelling, kayak/paddleboard (larger boats) and panga boat exploration. Cruises travel between islands overnight whilst you sleep.
  4. Golden Hour: Cruises are allowed to visit uninhabited islands from 6am to 10am and from 2pm to 6pm, so if you are a keen photographer you will have the best light for your wildlife shots.
  5. Social experience: Cruises offer the chance to meet like-minded travellers and share experiences with fellow passengers.


Things to consider

Both Island Hopping and Cruises offer a unique and amazing way to experience the wonders of the Galapagos Islands. Whether you choose an island-hopping adventure for a more immersive experience or a cruise for a more structured visit, I’m sure you will have an incredible experience. So, how do you decide?

  1. Budget: Cruises tend to be more expensive than land tours as they are all inclusive, so consider your daily budget when making your decision.
  2. Itinerary preferences: If you want an action packed itinerary to visit multiple islands and see a wide variety of wildlife, a cruise may be the best option for you. If you prefer a more relaxed pace and a focus on land-based activities and meeting the locals island hopping could be a better fit.
  3. Wildlife: It is possible to see most of our endemic and native wildlife without taking a cruise but if you want to see the Flightless Cormorant on Isabela and Fernandina Islands you will need to take a Western Islands cruise
  4. Comfort level: If you're prone to seasickness or prefer more stability, land based island hopping may be a more comfortable option for you.
  5. Group size: Consider whether you prefer a more social experience on a cruise or a more private experience island hopping with family or friends.



Uniquely Galapagos promotes quality Galapagos Island Hopping and also offers a few first class and luxury cruises. These cruises are with Galapagos-based operators to better support the circular economy.

Our most popular experiences are our 8 day Galapagos Eco Island Hopping 2024 starting at *$4,200 per person, and a first class 8 day Western Islands Cruise starting at *$5,600 per person.

Both are based on two people sharing.                                                                                              

*Prices at July 2024 and subject to change.

Please Contact Us if you are a nature lover and have been inspired by our blog to visit the islands and would like some help planning your land or cruise experience of a lifetime.

Brett Peters

Uniquely Galapagos CIA Ltda.


Address: 454 Charles Darwin Avenue & Tomas de Berlanga
Puerto Ayora - Ecuador
Telephone: +593 96 894 0773
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Web: www.uniquelygalapagos.com